Friday, April 15, 2011

Off season

I have been asked by several folks, "what do you do this time of year?" Well, biggest reason I have not posted for a while is that this time of year is "off season" for us here in central Maine. Much like the weather not quite knowing if it is Spring or with the cold temps, ice and snow still on the ground and waterways, Winter? Some brave folks have continued to ice fish where the ice is still intact and I have heard reports on some waters still having up to three feet of ice. Others have found a few spots of open water and braved the cold waters on the river to wet a line. The latter I often refer to as the true "April Fool"!
So like many folks as they have got older, we don't like the cold!!! I'm not anywhere ready to fly south for the winter like the "snowbirds", however the wood stove has become my very best friend! Therefore, what do I do this time of year??? Paperwork! This is when I pull out the manilla folder stuffed full of all last years receipts, the notebook which logs all the  information on clients, guests, and income and figure out just exactly where the business fell in light of red or black. I'm not the most friendly person during this time of year, so Big E manages to keep busy and not ask too many questions!
Another description for this time of year is "mud season"! No matter what the afternoon it is mud! I have attempted to teach our dogs to wipe their feet with about as much success as I have had teaching Big E! Therefore, I have failed and continually try to keep the gravel and mud cleaned up while I Stew over numbers and "to do" lists in my head.
So not to worry, I'm still here...