Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It is all about the experiences....

Thus far we have had snow and a fair amount, only to have rain and very warm temperatures, and now have bare ground once again. I don't know if I will ever get used to these changing weather patterns and I bet the animals are wondering just a bit about it too.
I don't know what it is, but it seems that when I look back to when I was young; winters were much different through the eyes of a child. We prayed for snow days, and we didn't have to pray too hard. I can remember winters when the snowbanks were as high as the power lines and everyone had a snow fort in their front yard. Of course life was much easier then. When one is that young, there are no worries about the oncoming seasons. We didn't worry about getting all the firewood into the shed, banking the house, and cabins now. We didn't worry about how we were going to stay warm or the cost of heating.
Now, that we are adults, and much older, preparing for the oncoming seasons have become a job and it truly depends on your approach as to how you feel about it. Some, move south to avoid the chores of winter preparation, while others stick it out. My sister went south, and we often have friendly arguments and banter back and forth about the fact that I still don't feel the need to head in that direction. I still enjoy the changing of the seasons with the dramatic effects Mother Nature provides in this region. A blizzard simply means to me to get the flashlights and candles ready, cook up a big stew, and pick out a good book. Of course Big e always has the gas lanterns set, and we have a good pile of wood by the wood stove so we don't have to venture out into the storm.
Another piece to the puzzle of life that has at least occurred in myself, is to look at the seasons in yet another way as I have aged. Part of my spiritual journey; the wheel of the year. I look at the life cycle of everything and it's purpose. They call this wisdom and it has overflowed into every aspect of my life. I appreciate the seasons.
All of these things have added to the richness of the adventure and also into my life as a hunter and a guide. There is no greater gift of appreciation than when someone else looks at me, smiles, and says "OK, I get it". Ahh...Mother Nature at her best. Enjoy the seasons of your life folks. Take this time to gently pull back, look at the year behind you, accept it with joy and then relax within the blanket of winter and look to the Spring for new life and new adventures. After all, it is true....It is all about the experiences. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New year!!! Oh and as always Happy Hunting!

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