Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Anticipation and Frustration

We are currently half way through the third week of bear season and once again no one has got a bear yet. In fact, no one has even seen one yet! Fortunately, we have a wonderful group of guys and the mood is still light. However, it is not always that way, as those who read my last blog now understand.
Every year, as the end of July approaches, guides and hunters prepare for the upcoming baiting season for bear. In Maine, we have thirty days that we can bait before the hunting season begins. At this point, leases and insurances are paid, bait has been purchased, and trucks have been serviced. Now the work begins. The placement of the bait sites have been well thought out and scouted with several of them being established from previous years.
From a guides point of view: I'm always anxious for the arrival of our first guests. Optimism abounds. I'm well rested and ready for the long days to come. My days start at 6:00am and often do not end until midnight. This year a bear was shot Monday night, however we were unable after considerable effort to recover it. Bad shot placement and/or over excitement when the bear came in we could not really tell. It is very hard sometimes and a wounded animal is one of the things that haunt me the most. Mid week came and went, no bears. The baits are working; the bears are there...but time. We like many have bought into the mass publicity of gear and gadgets and purchased over a three year period five game cameras. I have come to the conclusion that game cameras are much like fish finders; they tell you what is there but it doesn't help you get them. If anything they cause great frustration knowing big bears are coming in but not always at optimal time for hunting. By Wednesday, my alias "Blackcloud" begins lurking in the dark recesses of my mind. Big E, Peter and I start pondering what more can we do. Our policy is two bait sites per hunter, so we move them to their second sites with the great hopes that it will bring success. stomach starts as anxiety sets. Thankfully Friday night two hunters were finally successful and two bears are on the game pole. Not the numbers I would have liked nor anticipated, but I feel better and my nerves settle down. "Blackcloud" is held at bay.
Second week begins with a new group and revived faith. By Wednesday, two out of three have seen bear, one being a sow with two cubs and one that the hunter said he passed up because it was a small bear. To make a long story short, and for those who did not read my last blog, check it out to understand how it ended. I'm now getting wore out and ended up at the doctors office Thursday morning; or should "Blackcloud" went to the doctors.....
Week three, now midweek and no one has seen a bear yet. Bait sites are being hit and hit well, cleaning out the barrels.....but where are the bears. Game camera showed a nice bear having come in last Saturday at 6:09pm; perfect time. Other cameras show the phantoms feeding in the night. Not feeling the greatest and with 'Blackcloud" in control my nerves are frazzled and my schedule is taking a tole on mind, body and soul. The hunters we have are really great guys and their spirits are still good which helps.....a little.
From experience of having run the guide service for ten years now; it is not hard to see the disappointment on the faces of our hunters. The anticipation of hoping tonight will be the night and the discouragement when they come in at evenings end with still nothing. From a hunters point of view, or from what I believe they feel, the hunt is creating some frustrations for them as well. From a guides point of view, it seems to "Blackcloud" disastrous. It is very true that our hunters success is our success. Another low bear count also does not help when going to the sportsmens' show and being asked the number one question;"How did you do last year?" A question I hate to answer but honesty is still the best policy in my book and I reply, "not as well as I would have liked." I come to the point of racking my thoughts of what is happening and what more can we do, and what do the hunters think and what will they go back and tell their coworkers and friends. Things like that can bring the demise of a guide service. Sleep evades me and exhaustion begins. My mind works with twists and whirlwinds of what,why and how?
So with anticipation and a good amount of frustration I write this with fingers crossed that tonight will be their night.....or at the very least one happy hunter.


  1. Best of luck to you! I lead a group of bear hunters first week and had great luck but second week was REALLY slow and now that we are in the third week I am asking the same question . . . where went all the bears?

    I hear a cold front is on the way maybe it is just the change we need!!

  2. I do believe the colder temps will bring them out to ready themselves for winter!!
