Sunday, January 22, 2012

The prize is always worth the fight....

The title of this post probably pertains to both sides of this issue as the battle rages on in the Katahdin region. It is rapidly becoming clear that this issue will effect everyone who calls this region home in one form or another whether is it an economic or personal impact. It has always been a heart felt issue to me and at this time I will direct those who have not followed my past blogs, to take just a second and read my blog from Sunday, August 21st, 2011 titled "Do we need a North Maine Woods National Park??". In that post I gave some background information and my personal opinion of the future of the area.
Since that post a few things have changed concerning my personal and economic future. Going on eleven years I have leased two large parcels of land in my hometown of Woodville for my guide service and within the last year went into a purchase agreement for the purpose of building a full service all season lodge. These plans have been put on hold due to the rumored fact that the remaining of the two large parcels are in consideration to be sold to Roxanne Quimby ( background info concerning Quimby is also in the "August 21,2011 post).
I have stated that I do not favor nor support the idea of a National Park in my neck of the woods. I will admit that I have stated in the past that I did not feel that Quimbys proposed park would actually affect me or my business as it is a tourism based effect which would possibly bring more visitors, interest and visibility. However this is not to be misconstrued as support of a National park, but of a vision of rejuvenation to a depressed area that desperately needs a boost not a hero.
I have recently been theoretically slapped up side the head with a big old dose of reality and that is, with great thought, that everyone who lives and loves in the Katahdin region will indeed be affected in some way by the invasion of a communistic woman who wishes to dictate her ideas of the way life should be. It has been rumored as I have not been formerly informed that the Woodville lots that is so vital to the survival of my business and lifestyle has been negotiated for purchase by none other than, Roxanned Quimby. Quimby has openly stated this ploy and tactic as future bargaining chips, or as I would like to call it, bait, bribe and BS! If this truly comes to light, it will be extremely detrimental to my survival and my families future!

With the wonderful world of facebook, one can read, research and comment on several pages from both sides of this debate. I have given the "Like", and participated on a few of these pages with a couple in particular: "Ban Roxanne" and "Preserving Maine Traditions". Both of these pages will allow you to not only read the many comments and hopefully understand the fears and deep emotions of the citizens, but also access the oppositions pages, web sites, etc..
Now a couple of the hot topics to bring you up to speed. This past spring Quimby began holding public meetings in the Katahdin region, in an attempt to rally support for her ""70,000 acre National Park"", which is in my opinion the sheep in the wolf's clothing. After her failed attempt to get support over the peoples opposition from our Representatives and Senators in Washington, she was forced to put on a smile and address the people directly as it is a fact that if the people most effected do not embrace her plans, it is a hurdle she can not jump over. I personally attended two of those meetings; the first in Millinocket and the second in Medway. Her tactics to try to gain support failed her terribly for the most part, with even her tasteless bribes turned down. So Now what.......approach the people from a different direction. Instead of giving support for the creation of a National Park, get support for a feasibility study as to the economic and environmental pro's and con's with that twisted concentration on the so called pro's as gateway communities of a National Park. So meetings began with even the National Park Service sending representation as to what a feasibility study implies. ( basic information on the feasibility study: Bangor Daily News, November 1,2011, by Nick Sambides Jr.,"National Park Service Chief Outlines Goals of Feasibility Study"). Just reading through the small list and from what I already am aware of, it would not in my opinion be feasible on three of the factors without looking any further! Out of all the locals towns and municipalities, she gained support of one towns board of Selectmen, which then led to the controversial meeting that took place early last fall in Medway where the citizens were asked to vote in favor of the feasibility study. Currently there is a petition circulating to rescind that decision and bring forth another vote to the people as legal protocol of the first meeting is questionable.
I find it quite disenchanting for the people of the Katahdin region, myself and family included, as to the feeling of despair at the fight of holding onto our heritage, our history. Of life as we have known it. Thankfully one of the mills I mentioned in my August blog post, has restarted to some capacity. However, the area still remains in a depressed state with many empty storefronts, buildings and businesses. Employment is little to none for those who seek jobs forcing many to either travel or up and leave all together. One real estate person stated there were 350 houses for sale in the town of Millinocket alone. However, we are proud people; strong people and we will not give up without a fight to the finish.....and the prize is indeed worth the fight.

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