Thursday, September 23, 2010

Surrounded by coyotes!

The lack of bears is still the game here, and still also extremely frustrating. The game cameras are showing that the few bait sites that continue working are after dark. I have always said big bear do not get big from being stupid and it seems they have patterned us and gone completely nocturnal. We haven't given up as one just never knows. It is just the Browns and myself going out onto the baits as of tonight. Big E gave up after Monday due to being frustrated and exhausted. Peter "Coyote" Cote spent his last night on a site, well...last night. He will be leaving this afternoon for Georgia to work a construction job that came through. He had not planned on leaving until November, however the opportunity came and for his family we understand it is something he has to do. We will miss him and his wonderful sense of humor.
Last night while sitting out on yet another one of our sites I experienced something awesome! I had been out for about 2 hours, having left the house at 2:00pm when a coyote yodeled off in the distance to my far left. Immediately I heard one off to the far right even further off and then one opened up just behind the bait, one to my left and one to my right, close! The first loud screech jumped me as I didn't expect it to be so close. The site that I was sitting on has a road to the rear of the site which was where I parked "Baby Blue", my little blue Ford Ranger, and then a road out about a quarter of a mile off to the right. Out on the road I heard a deep long howl indicating most likely an old dog, then one out by the truck. It was interesting to listen to the different sounds and levels of their voices. I then heard something running to my left, foot steps off to the right scurrying quickly before they opened up once again. This continued for almost 2 hours as they continued to come in closer and closer, yet I never got even a glimpse of fur through the thick trees. The site I was at is one of our most concealed in balsams and spruce trees. When the began to leave my site they congregated off to my right until they had a pack howl most likely out on the road, yodeling together for about a minute and a half before going silent. I never heard them again after that. This brings to light the fact that I simply love Mother Nature. I do not always have to see the game I'm hunting to enjoy just being in the outdoors. It helps with the fact that I truly believe that I live in the most beautiful place on Earth. I flourish in the shadow of Katahdin and the shores of the mighty Penobscot. I smile with complete appreciation at the changing of the leaves and the coming of the changing seasons. I have said it before, and I will say it again even considering that things have not worked out exactly as I would have liked with the bears.......Life is good!

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