Saturday, July 24, 2010

Big News

I received a phone call yesterday from a representative of the Maine Cabelas Store in Scarborough. He left a very intriguing message that had me wondering what is was all about all night long. Cabelas is one of the leading retailers of Outdoor gear and apparel as most know, however they also offer a listing for guide services and outfitters all over the world. Well around noontime I received a call back. Seems he found me off the wide world web, which is always nice to know that you can be found. Cabelas has several special events throughout the year at their stores. He told me he would really like to have me come down as a guest to speak to folks and meet some celebrities and others in the business as well. I was asked to come to a couple different events, but realizing that this is kind of short notice and a very busy time of the year for us, would I consider at least one. Well of course I said "YES"!! They are having a special women in the outdoors weekend August 14th and 15th, which I thought would be the one, however he asked me to come for the following weekend event of the 21st and 22nd, which is the big Fall Great Outdoors Days I event. This is truly exciting for me and could bring my business some wonderful publicity which is key to survival in this line of work! I'm so psyched!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Kimberly! This sort of publicity could really mean something to your business. You and Everett are both good people and you deserve this recognition from Cabelas. Good luck and best wishes to you, both! I wish you and Everett many, many more successful years together, both in business and in marriage!
    Your Friend, Gordon VanDine
